Taking the Duffy Lake rd after work on Friday we got as far as Cinnamon Creek campsite and thankfully there was one site left. Our Tepui Autana sky rooftop tent sets up quickly even in the dark but the campsite was already asleep so no new friends met that night. I, Tracey, am an early riser so I made the coffee and we hit the road heading towards Lillooet. Fueled up, got off the 99 left onto Main St where you can get more groceries, liquor etc before you get totally off grid. At the fork we took the left onto Moha Rd which is paved for the first approximately 10 km then turns to the beloved gravel we love so much. There are amazing views as the road follows cliffs most of the way.
We took the left down the switchbacks at Moha Rd, followed it along the north side of an empty Carpenter Lake than a right onto Marshall Cr FSR. Followed this to just past Liza creek where there was an unpassable washout. Well unpassable for us, ATV’s and bikes had been able to get through but Fiona pulling a trailer was not an option.
Backtracking to the turnoff for Moha Rd at the top of the switchbacks we turned left onto Yalakom FSR and headed out to find a campsite for the night. We ended up finding 1 last spot of 3 at Lake La Mare Rec Site. There’s a trail around the pretty little Lake La Mare and the trail head for Shulaps Basin & Burkholder Lake start here.
Our campsite for the next couple of days as we decided to leave the trailer and explore the road ahead as far as we could.

I checked out my finds from the past few days while he got dinner ready.
Monday morning we decided to check out one more trail before we headed back to civilization. Met up with this bear on the trail. Packed up and headed back along Hwy 99 as it’s a little easier on Fiona pulling the trailer then going down the switchbacks of Duffy Lake into Pemberton.
Thanks for joining us on our 1st adventure. Part 2 coming after the Labour Day weekend hopefully… Fiona needs her rear axle seal replaced before we can head out again.